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The following terms are taken from The Kids College Almanac. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Associate's degreedegree given for completion of a two-year program Bachelor's degreedegree given for completion of a four-year program Campusa college's physical surroundings; its buildings, and its grounds Career educationstudies that emphasize practical skills and training for specific careers; also called vocational-technology Certificaterecognition that a student has completed a program of study in a specialized area Certificationevidence that a person has completed a program of study or passed a competency test; gives the person permission to practice in a chosen field Class ranka measure of a student's academic performance compared to all other students in the same grade at the same school Collegeschool after high school, often four-year programs leading to bachelor's degrees; see also community college and university College entrance examsstandardized tests used to measure skills important for college success; many colleges require applicants to take at least one; most common are the SAT and the ACT Community collegeschool after high school that offers programs leading to associate's degrees and certificates; full-time programs can usually be completed in two years; sometimes called junior college Cooperative educationa program combining studies with practical work experience, sometimes paid, in a student's chosen field; also called co-op program Competitive admissionsapplicants must meet or exceed specific standards; qualified applicants are then compared to determine who will be admitted Credita measure of how much a particular course counts toward completing overall graduation requirements Diplomarecognition that a student has completed a specific program of study Doctoratean advanced degree beyond the bachelors degree and usually beyond the masters degree; also called doctor's degree or Ph.D. Dormitorya building that houses students who live on a college campus; also called dorm or residence hall Early decisionselection process enabling student to be admitted earlier than all other applicants Electivescourses students elect to take, but are not required to take Expected Family Contribution (EFC) the amount that, according to a government formula, your family should be able to pay toward college expenses Extracurricular activitiesactivities in which a student participates outside of class, such as sports or music FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid; the form students use to apply for financial assistance from the federal government Financial aidmoney provided to a student to help pay for college Financial aid packagethe combination of grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study that a student receives to help pay for college Grade point average (GPA) an average of all of a student's grades for a term, year, or several years Granta financial award that does not need to be repaid Hope scholarshipa federal tax credit program in which taxpayers may credit some of their tuition against their taxes Internshipa program that lets students apply their studies in a work setting Liberal Artsstudies that cover broad knowledge in a wide variety of subjects Majorthe area of study in which a student chooses to specialize Master's degreean advanced degree following a bachelor's degree Merit-based aidfinancial assistance based on a student's academic success Need-based aidfinancial assistance based on a student's ability to pay for college Open admissionsall applicants are admitted, with a few exceptions Private collegean independent college set up by individuals or organizations Public collegea college set up with government support SAT Ischolastic achievement test; college entrance exam that tests students' verbal and math skills SAT IIformerly the achievement tests; college entrance exam that test students' skills in specific subject areas Selective admissionsapplicants must either meet or exceed specific standards to qualify for admission Technical institutea postsecondary school that emphasizes practical career and job skills, especially in technology and applied trades Transcripta summary of a student's academic work Tuitionthe portion of college costs attributed directly to paying for classes Undergraduatea student who has not yet completed graduation requirements nor earned a bachelor's or associate's degree Universityan institution of higher education that usually combines one or more colleges with other schools, such as medical or law Work-studya financial assistance program that provides students with jobs, usually on campus